Salish Sea MEOPAR Project Documentation
This is a collection of documentation about the Salish Sea MEOPAR project. There is a companion collection of project tools documentation.
About the Project
The Salish Sea is home to a large population of Canadians living in coastal communities at risk to ocean related hazards. There is an ongoing need to assess the impact of these hazards on human and marine environments through a multidisciplinary approach involving Canadian oceanographers, biologists, and social scientists. The Marine Environmental Observation Prediction and Response network (MEOPAR) provides a platform to accelerate this type of research.
The Salish Sea MEOPAR project team is developing a three-dimensional ocean model for the Strait of Georgia and Salish Sea. Using the NEMO modelling architecture the Salish Sea model will be used to evaluate storm surge risk in coastal communities. A long term goal is to include a coupled biogeochemical modelling component.

- Organization of Git Repositories
- Working Environment
- bash Configuration
- Version Control
- Anaconda Python Distribution
- Salish Sea Repos and Packages
- Python, netCDF, and Model Results Visualization
- Jupyter Notebook READMEs
- Create a Digital Research Alliance of Canada Account
- Documentation with Sphinx
- ssh Configuration
- emacs Configuration
- Building a Python 3 Conda Environment
- Porting Code to Python 3
- Salish Sea NEMO
- Quick Start Guide
- Set-up, Initial Conditions, Forcing, etc. Files
- Salish Sea Run Sets Files
- Land Processor Elimination
- Adding Passive Tracers to SalishSea
- Output Server Configuration
- Simplified Model Domain - 2D
- Spin-up Runs
- NEMO and XIOS Code Repositories Maintenance
- NEMO-3.1 and CONCEPTS-110 Reference Repos
- Salish Sea Model Results Server
- SalishSeaCast Evaluation: 201702
- SalishSeaCast Evaluation: 201905
- Tidal evaluation
- Tidal currents evaluation
- Rivers
- Stability
- SMELT Documentation
- SMELT Sensitivity Analysis
- Storm Surges
- Turbulence and Viscosity
- Particle Tracking
- Things We Learned About NEMO
- Notes on the Oct-2013
Version - Notes on NEMO v3.1
- Notes on Downloading/Running NEMO 3.4 on Ocean Cluster including Salish
- Notes on Downloading/Running NEMO 3.4 on Jasper
- Notes on NEMO v3.4 Compiler Options
- Understanding the AMM12 Namelist
- CPP Keys
- Moving an AMM12 Configuration to JPP Configuration : Part One
- Moving an AMM12 Configuration to JPP Configuration : Part Two: Add the Tides
- AMM12 Boundary Coordinates
- Notes on NEMO 3.6 Bugs and Quirks We Have Found
- Notes on NEMO 3.4 Bugs and Quirks We Have Found
- Notes on the Oct-2013
- Environmental Drivers of Spring Bloom Timing
- Citations
- Model Configuration, Evaluation, and Storm Surge Hindcasting
- Carbon Chemistry and Aragonite Saturation State
- Turbulence and Advective Mixing
- Salish Model Ecosystem-Lower Trophic (SMELT), the biological component of SalishSeaCast
- Cluster Analysis of Biophysical Dynamics
- SKOG, The Carbonate Chemistry Component of SalishSeaCast
- Zooplankton Spatial Distribution and Model Evaluation
- Salish Sea MEOPAR Project Contributors