Quantitative Mode in Ariane

Ariane can be used to make estimates of transport through cross-sections by releasing a large number of particles and calculating how many particles pass through each section. Next, we will go through how to set up a quantitative experiment in Ariane.


The namelist for quantitative mode is very similar to qualitative mode. Here is an example of a quantitative namelist.

    key_alltracers =.FALSE.,
    key_sequential =.FALSE.,
    key_ascii_outputs =.TRUE.,
    mode ='quantitative',
    forback ='forward',
    bin ='nobin',
    init_final ='init',
    nmax =30000,
    tunit =3600.,
    ntfic =1,

    imt =398,
    jmt =898,
    kmt =40,
    lmt =24,
    key_periodic =.FALSE.,
    key_jfold =.FALSE.,
    key_computew =.FALSE.,
    key_partialsteps =.TRUE.,

    key_eco        = .TRUE.,
    key_reducmem   = .TRUE.,
    key_unitm3     = .TRUE.,
    key_nointerpolstats = .FALSE.,
    max_transport  = 1.e4,
    lmin = 1,
    lmax = 6,

    c_dir_zo ='/results/SalishSea/nowcast/01jan16/',
    c_prefix_zo ='SalishSea_1h_20160101_20160101_grid_U.nc',
    ind0_zo =-1,
    indn_zo =-1,
    maxsize_zo =-1,
    c_suffix_zo ='NONE',
    nc_var_zo ='vozocrtx',
    nc_var_eivu ='NONE',
    nc_att_mask_zo ='NONE',

    c_dir_me ='/results/SalishSea/nowcast/01jan16/',
    c_prefix_me ='SalishSea_1h_20160101_20160101_grid_V.nc',
    ind0_me =-1,
    indn_me =-1,
    maxsize_me =-1,
    c_suffix_me ='NONE',
    nc_var_me ='vomecrty',
    nc_var_eivv ='NONE',
    nc_att_mask_me ='NONE',

    c_dir_ve     = '/results/SalishSea/nowcast/01jan16/',
    c_prefix_ve  = 'SalishSea_1h_20160101_20160101_grid_W.nc',
    ind0_ve      = -1,
    indn_ve      = -1,
    maxsize_ve   = -1,
    c_suffix_ve  = 'NONE',
    nc_var_ve    = 'vovecrtz',
    nc_var_eivw  = 'NONE',
    nc_att_mask_ve = 'NONE',

    c_dir_te     = '/results/SalishSea/nowcast/01jan16/',
    c_prefix_te  = 'SalishSea_1h_20160101_20160101_grid_T.nc',
    ind0_te      = -1,
    indn_te      = -1,
    maxsize_te   = -1,
    c_suffix_te  = 'NONE',
    nc_var_te    = 'votemper',
    nc_att_mask_te = 'NONE',

    c_dir_sa     = '/results/SalishSea/nowcast/01jan16',
    c_prefix_sa  = 'SalishSea_1h_20160101_20160101_grid_T.nc',
    ind0_sa      = -1,
    indn_sa      = -1,
    maxsize_sa   = -1,
    c_suffix_sa  = 'NONE',
    nc_var_sa    = 'vosaline',
    nc_att_mask_sa = 'NONE',

    dir_mesh ='/data/nsoontie/MEOPAR/NEMO-forcing/grid/',
    fn_mesh ='mesh_mask_SalishSea2.nc',
    nc_var_xx_tt ='glamt',
    nc_var_xx_uu ='glamu',
    nc_var_yy_tt ='gphit',
    nc_var_yy_vv ='gphiv',
    nc_var_zz_ww ='gdepw',
    nc_var_e2u ='e2u',
    nc_var_e1v ='e1v',
    nc_var_e1t ='e1t',
    nc_var_e2t ='e2t',
    nc_var_e3t ='e3t',
    nc_var_tmask ='tmask',
    nc_mask_val =0.,

Key namelist parameters

There are some key differences between the namelists in quantitative and qualitative mode. Pay special attention to the following options:

  • nmax: The maximum number of particles. This parameter is typically much higher in quantitative mode.

  • key_eco: Setting to .TRUE. reduces CPU time.

  • key_reducmem: Setting to .TRUE. reduces memory by only reading model data over selected region.

  • key_unitm3: Setting to .TRUE. prints transport calculation in m^3/s instead of Sverdrups.

  • max_transport: Maximum transport (in m^3/s) that should not be exceeded by the transport associated with each initial particle. A lower values means more initial particles and higher accuracy. Example values are 1e9 for one particle in one model cell and 1e4 for typical experiments.

  • lmin: First time step to generate particles.

  • lmax: Last time step to generate particles.

  • key_alltracers: .TRUE. to print tracer information in diagnostics.

  • key_computesigma: .TRUE. to compute density from temperature and salinity.

  • zsigma: reference level for sigma computation

Defining Sections

You must define a closed region in your domain for transport calculations. Ariane calculates the mass transport between an initial section in your region and the other sections. Ariane provides a couple of useful tools for defining the sections.

  • mkseg0: This program reads your land-ocean mask and writes it as a text file. Run this program in the same directory as your namelist. You may need to add the ariane executables to your path.

  • segrid: After you run mkseg0, you should see a new file called segrid. Edit this file with

nedit segrid
  • If you turn off text wrapping, you might see something like this:


Land points are # and ocean points are -.

  • Add numbered sections to this file. Be sure your sections are over ocean points and not land points. Ariane will initialize particles along the section labelled as 1 and will calculate transport through all other sections. Your sections must make up a closed volume. Place the @ symbol somewhere within your closed subdomain. Your final edit might look something like this.

  • Run mkseg

  • Copy the section definitions into a file called sections.txt. The section definitions can be found from the output of mkseg. sections.txt should look something like this:

    1   250   313  -409  -409     1    40 "1section"
    2   264   312   386   386     1    40 "2section"
    3     1   398     1   898     0     0 "Surface"

You can rename "1section" and "2section" to something more intuitive if you desire. You should also add a "Surface" section as above.

  • Run ariane. Remember to check that you have added the ariane executable to your path.

  • The output on the screen should indicate that ariane completed successfully. You should also see a new file called stats.txt. This file contains statistics about the initial and final particles through each section and the transport calculations. It might look something like this:

    total transport (in m3/s):    230033.88767527405       ( x lmt =   5520813.3042065771      )
    max_transport (in m3/s)  :    1000000000.0000000
    # particles              :        20380
    initial state                #  20380
     stats. for:          x         y         z         a
            min:   -123.457    48.946     0.500     0.000
            max:   -123.134    49.063   226.275     0.000
           mean:   -123.347    48.986    74.893     0.000
      std. dev.:      0.062     0.022    61.722     0.000
    meanders        166079.1572 0
    1section        .0000 1
    2section        63952.7799 2
    Surface         .0000 3
              total 230033.8877
        except mnds 63954.7305
               lost 1.9506
    final state        meanders #  11094
    stats. ini:          x         y         z         a
           min:   -123.457    48.946     0.500     0.006
           max:   -123.134    49.063   226.275    16.858
          mean:   -123.343    48.987    91.665     0.606
     std. dev.:      0.055     0.020    61.438     1.010
    stats. fin:          x         y         z         a
           min:   -123.458    48.945     0.019     0.006
           max:   -123.132    49.064   238.621    16.858
          mean:   -123.329    48.992    91.483     0.606
     std. dev.:      0.052     0.019    62.670     1.010
    final state        2section #   9285
    stats. ini:          x         y         z         a
           min:   -123.457    48.946     0.500     0.191
           max:   -123.134    49.063   226.275    16.074
          mean:   -123.357    48.982    31.337     1.715
     std. dev.:      0.075     0.028    35.675     1.639
    stats. fin:          x         y         z         a
           min:   -123.317    48.883     0.058     0.191
           max:   -123.079    48.970   151.722    16.074
          mean:   -123.192    48.929    25.504     1.715
     std. dev.:      0.068     0.025    25.477     1.639
  • lost are the particles not intercepted by any section.

  • meanders are the particles that go back out the source section.

Time considerations

Particles initialized later in the simulation do not have as much time to cross one of the sections so it could be beneficial to impose a maximum age of each particle. This can be achieved by modifying mod_criter1.f90 in src/ariane as follows:

!- ADD AT THE END OF EACH LINE "!!ctr1" -!
!criter1=.FALSE.                 !! ctr1
!- Examples -!
     criter1=(abs(hl-fl).ge. lmt-lmax)   !! ctr1
  • lmt and lmax should be substituted by the values you set in the namelist.

  • You must remake and install ariane when making a change to any of the fortran files.

  • In stats.txt, you will now see the particles intercepted by this time criterion.

meanders        135298.2260 0
1section        .0000 1
2section        13650.4035 2
Surface         .0000 3
Criter1         81085.2582 4
          total 230033.8877
    except mnds 94735.6616
           lost -.0000

Defining and tracking water masses

You can also impose a density and/or salinity and/or temperature criteria on the initial particles in order to track different water masses. You can achieve this by editing mod_criter0.f90.

!criter0=.TRUE.        !!ctr0
!- Examples -!
     criter0=(zinter(ss,hi,hj,hk,hl).le.29_rprec)     !!crt0
  • Once again, you must remake and install ariane.

  • You’ll also need to make sure that key_alltracers and key_computesigma are .TRUE. and zsigma are defined in your namelist.

  • Now particles will be initialized with salinity less than 29.

  • There are other examples of useful criteria in mod_criter0.f90.

  • Once again, the output of stats.txt will be different. Here is an example of part of stats.txt:

    total transport (in m3/s):    76419.982459495324       ( x lmt =   1834079.5790278877      )
    max_transport (in m3/s)  :    1000000000.0000000
    # particles              :        16133
    initial state                #  16133
    stats. for:          x         y         z         a         t         s         r
           min:   -123.457    48.946     0.500     0.000     4.693    16.243    13.336
           max:   -123.134    49.063    45.041     0.000     9.960    29.000    22.816
          mean:   -123.333    48.991    15.077     0.000     8.526    27.842    22.038
     std. dev.:      0.075     0.027    10.570     0.000     0.973     1.458     1.040
    meanders        26404.6357 0
    1section        1057.5257 1
    2section        12998.1853 2
    Surface         .0000 3
    Criter1         35959.6357 4
             total 76419.9825
       except mnds 50015.3468
              lost .0000
  • From the initial state statistics, you can see that the particles satisfy the salinity criteria. This might not be true of the final particles.

0ther files

Ariane will also produce netCDF files ariane_positions_quantitative.nc and ariane_statistics_quantitative.nc that can be used to plot the particle trajectories and statistics.